Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Herbal Allies- Part 2

So I have finally chosen my plant allies for the coming year. I am starting with 3 but may add more. So these are the 3 plants I want to get to know on a deeper level. It took me awhile to choose these and they may change as I go. Who knows!?! I tried to pick plants that are safe to use while nursing as well.

Over the next year I will study, use and sit with these plants and try to learn as much as I can about them on a physical as well as energetic level. I think the 3 will keep me very busy learning and discovering new things! I am excited to have finally chosen them after much contemplation. Or did they choose me?

I will also be writing my own sort of of monographs of my own on each and adding to it on a regular basis for each one here on my blog. I hope to be able too include a lot of new experiences and observations in the coming year while I am learning about these 3 new plant allies!

1-Rose~ I think I wrote in an earlier post I have used rose a lot for bodycare but not much at all for medicine so I would like to explore the healing aspects deeper. I also would just like to use rose more in my daily life. I feel drawn to it as of lately and crave it's presence. I plan to use it in food, medicine and bodycare/aromatherapy. I find it uplifting, sensuous and gently healing. Like an old familiar friend. I want to learn her secrets and revel in her beauty.

2- Blue Vervain~Feeling called to work with this plant. I'm not entirely sure why but the reasons will become clear eventually I am sure! I very much like the fact that it is a galactagogue since I will be a nursing mom soon. I have not used blue vervain much at all so it's a new plant for me to learn about!

3-Elder~ I am having a love affair with elder. Shhh, don't tell anyone! Though I know i am not the only one. lol. This plant is pretty elusive to someone coming from the southwest, so I am absolutely thrilled they grow here in New England. Other than using elderberry syrup I don't have all that much experience using this plant but I have been extremely drawn to it since discovering it! My mission this coming year is to find as many as I can growing in the wild and use it generously! I am very drawn to learning about the many uses of elder. I feel like it is calling me to soak up all of it's healing energies and wisdom.

I am trying hard not to include more plants with my "ally" list as I am trying to keep things low key right now for simplicity's sake! If it were up to me I'd easily have 10!


  1. Oh...I wanted to pick more but, alas...Mondarda picked me! I love your choices. I look forward to reading more about your journey this coming year...

  2. That was supposed to be Monarda...yikes!
